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88 results German - English substring search »
Muehe   -   trouble
Mühe {f}   -   trouble
Fehler   -   trouble
Sorge {f}   -   trouble
Unruhe {f}; Schwierigkeit {f}   -   trouble
Schaden {m}   -   trouble
Störung {f}   -   trouble
mühelos   -   trouble-free
Plage {f}   -   trouble; bother
Schwierigkeit {f}; Problem {n}   -   trouble
Krisenherd {m}; Brandherd {m}   -   trouble spot
Unannehmlichkeit, die   -   trouble
Unbequemlichkeit, Mühe, beunruhigen   -   trouble
Unruheherd {m}   -   trouble spot
Mühe machen   -   to give trouble
   |    next 15 »
Nobody knows the trouble I've been.
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