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255 results German - English substring search »
Gesetz   -   LAW
Gesetz   -   law
Gesetz, Recht, Rechtswissenschaft   -   law
Gesetz {n}; Recht {n}   -   law
Vorgabe {f} (Jagd; Sport)   -   law
Satzung {f}   -   by-law
Eidam, Schwiegersohn   -   son in law
Eidam {m}; Schwiegersohn {m}   -   son in law
gesetzlich   -   by law
Armenrecht   -   poor law
nichtig   -   void by law
Faustrecht {n}   -   club law
Jagdgesetz {m}   -   game law
Lautgesetz   -   sound law
Rechtsfall {m}   -   law case
   |    next 15 »
Ogden's Law: The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.
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