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357 results German - English substring search »
eine   -   one
eins   -   one
Einser {m}   -   one's
keiner   -   no one
einmalig   -   one-off
eintägig   -   one day
man   -   one; you; we
einmalig   -   one-time
Einpass {m}   -   one-pass
einseitig   -   one-way
Emulsion   -   emulsion, suspension of one liquid in another (medical)
ein jeder   -   each one
einteilig   -   one piec
Ton {m}   -   tone
Zone, Gebiet   -   zone
   |    next 15 »
One of the large consolations for experiencing anything unpleasant is the knowledge that one can communicate it. -- Joyce Carol Oates
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