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84 results German - English substring search »
Antwort, Bescheid, antworten, beantworten   -   answer
Antwort, Loesung, antworten   -   answer
Antwort {f}   -   answer
Antwort {f}; Lösung {f}   -   answer
beantworten   -   to answer
Ablehnung, abschlägige Antwort   -   negative answer
Antw. : Antwort   -   A : answer
Antwortkästchen   -   answer box
Antwortzustand {m}   -   answer state
kurze Antwort   -   laconic answer
Rückschein {m}   -   answer registered
Kennungsgeber, Namensgeber   -   answer generator
Vorbescheid   -   preliminary answer
Kennungsgeber {m}; Namensgeber {m}   -   answer generator
Namensgeberzeichen {n} (Fernschreiber); Stationskennung {f}   -   answer code
   |    next 15 »
One of the pleasures of reading old letters is the knowledge that they need no answer. -- George Gordon, Lord Byron
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