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449 results German - English substring search »
Lauf {m}   -   run
Fahrt {f}   -   run
rennen   -   run
Ansturm   -   run
sinken   -   run low
Laufmasche {f}   -   run
ablaufen   -   run off
ausgehen   -   run out
einfahren   -   run in
entlaufen   -   run away
erschöpft   -   run-down, tired, dragging, worn out (medical)
Art, Gattung, Sortierung   -   sort
Art {f}; Gattung {f}; Sortierung {f}   -   sort
Kult, Verehrung   -   cult
Amt {n}   -   trunk
   |    next 15 »
Pascal Users: To show respect for the 313th anniversary (tomorrow) of the death of Blaise Pascal, your programs will be run at half speed.
processing time: 1.001 [sec]

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