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95 results German - English substring search »
nehmend   -   taking
abfliegend   -   taking off
abhängend   -   taking down
aufgreifend   -   taking up
hereinlegend   -   taking in
hernehmend   -   taking from
scheuend   -   taking fright
zugreifend   -   taking hold
abhängendes   -   taking sown
Aufnahme (phot.), Einnahme, nehmend   -   taking
mitnehmend   -   taking along
übernehmend   -   taking over
duschend   -   taking a shower
herausnehmend   -   taking out
hinbringend   -   taking there
   |    next 15 »
People who have no faults are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them.
processing time: 4.155 [sec]

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