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249 results German - English substring search »
mag   -   may
kann   -   may
Mai {m}   -   May
kann; mag; darf   -   may
[ Personenname ]   -   May
der Erste Mai   -   May Day
kann nominieren   -   may noiminate
kann sich ändern   -   may be changed
erforderlich   -   as may be necessary
Was nicht ist, kann noch werden.   -   Your day may come.
gegebenenfalls   -   as the case may be
beziehungsweise   -   as the case may be
kann geändert werden   -   may be amended
können übersandt werden   -   may be sent
- Bescheinigung -   -   whom it may concern
   |    next 15 »
Peterson's Admonition: When you think you're going down for the third time -- just remember that you may have counted wrong.
processing time: 0.613 [sec]

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