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31 results German - English substring search »
bestrafen   -   punish
bestrafe mich   -   punish me
bestrafen; strafen; ahnden   -   to punish
strafen; bestrafen (für)   -   to punish (for)
straft   -   punishes
strafte   -   punished
Strafe {f}   -   punishment
Strafe {f}; Bestrafung {f}   -   punishment
strafend   -   punishing
strafbar   -   punishable
Strafen {pl}   -   punishments
Bestrafung   -   punishment
Bestrafung, Strafe   -   punishment
unbestraft   -   unpunished
Bestrafung {f}; Strafe {f}   -   punishment
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "Everything I am today I owe to people, whom it is now to late to punish."
processing time: 0.085 [sec]

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