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29 results German - English substring search »
Hospital {m}   -   hospital
Krankenhaus {n}   -   hospital
eingeliefert   -   taken to hospital
einliefern   -   to take to hospital
einliefernd   -   taking to hospital
Findelhaus {n}   -   foundling hospital
Krankenhauskosten   -   hospital expense
Entbindungsheim {n}   -   maternity hospital
Frauenklinik {f}   -   gynaecological hospital
der Krankenhausaufenthalt   -   hospital stay
stationär behandeln   -   to treat in hospital
Krankenhauskittel   -   hospital scrubs (medical)
Krankenhausunterbringung   -   hospital accommodation
schnell ins Krankenhaus schaffen   -   to rush to the hospital
Krankenhaustechnik {f}   -   hospital technology; hospital engineering
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QOTD: "I don't think they could put him in a mental hospital. On the other hand, if he were already in, I don't think they'd let him out."
processing time: 0.092 [sec]

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