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375 results German - English substring search »
Eis {n}   -   ice
eisfrei   -   ice free
Eiszeit {f}   -   ice age
Eisbeutel {m}   -   ice bag
Eiskeil {m} [geol.]   -   ice-wedge
vereisen   -   to ice up
Eiswuerfel   -   ice cube
Treibeis {n}   -   drift ice
Eisglätte {f}   -   black ice
Speiseeis {n}   -   ice cream
[ Personenname ]   -   Ice
Eisläufer {m}   -   ice-skater
After, Anus   -   anus, anal orifice, asshole (medical)
Amt, Buero   -   office
Amt, Büro, Geschäftsraum, Amtsstube   -   office
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "I used to jog, but the ice kept bouncing out of my glass."
processing time: 1.005 [sec]

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