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29 results German - English substring search »
mit   -   with
aerob, Sauerstoff zum Leben brauchend   -   aerobic, with oxygen (medical)
damit   -   with it
b. : bei   -   - : at, with, near
quitt   -   even with
womit   -   with what
hiermit   -   with this
vergab   -   placed with
Chelation   -   chelation, chemical combination with heavy metal (medical)
vergibt   -   places with
dabei   -   withal
ohne   -   without
welkt   -   withers
damit   -   therewith
womit   -   wherewith
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "Of course it's the murder weapon. Who would frame someone with a fake?"
processing time: 3.2 [sec]

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