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218 results German - English substring search »
Gericht, Schuessel   -   dish
Gericht {n}; Schüssel {f}   -   dish
Schüssel, Gericht   -   dish
Schüssel {f}; Gericht {n}   -   dish
Eierspeise {f} (österr.)   -   egg dish
Abwasch {m}   -   dish washing
auftischen   -   to dish up
Backform {f}   -   baking dish
Napf {m}   -   bowl; small dish
Spüllappen {m}   -   dish cloth
Butterdose {f}   -   butter dish
Fischgericht {n}   -   fish dish
Laborschale {f}; Petrischale {f}   -   petri dish
Futternapf {m}   -   feeding dish
Küchenbeilage {f}   -   side dish
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Slurm, n.: The slime that accumulates on the underside of a soap bar when it sits in the dish too long. -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"
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