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436 results German - English substring search »
Bude, Stand, Zelle   -   booth
Bude {f}; Stand {m}; Zelle {f}   -   booth
Stand   -   stall
Stand, Messestand   -   stand
Ebene {f}; Niveau {n}; Pegel {n}; Stand {m}; Stufe {f}; Höhe {f}   -   level
Stand {m} eines Wettkampfes   -   score
Stand {m}; Stillstand {m}   -   stand
Stand {m}; Zustand {m}   -   state
Klasse {f}; Stand {m}   -   class
Ständer {m}   -   stand
stehen   -   to stand {stood; stood}
andauern   -   to stand
Beruf {m}; Stand {m}   -   profession
aktuell, auf dem neuesten Stand   -   up-to-date
bedeuten   -   stand for
   |    next 15 »
Spouse, n.: Someone who'll stand by you through all the trouble you wouldn't have had if you'd stayed single.
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