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453 results German - English substring search »
Dose {f}; Gehäuse {n}   -   box
use   -   lice
use   -   Mice
use   -   mice
use, Kröten (Geld)   -   quid
use {pl}   -   lice
use {pl}   -   mice
Gehäuse   -   cage
use   -   mousse
Gebrauch {m}; Benutzung {f}; Anwendung {f}; Verwendung {f}   -   use
use {pl}   -   mousse
Anwendung {f}   -   use
gebrauchen, verwenden, Verwendung   -   use
Gehäuse, Verkleidung, Schalung   -   casing
benutzen   -   to use
   |    next 15 »
The Golden Rule is of no use to you whatever unless you realize it is your move. -- Frank Crane
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