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362 results German - English substring search »
nicht   -   not
Not {f}; Bedarf {m}; Bedürfnis {n}   -   need
Elend {n}; Not {f}   -   misery
Not {f}   -   hardship
benötigen, Bedarf, Not   -   need
Not {f}   -   necessity
Not-   -   emergency
Armut, <not   -   neediness
keinmal   -   not once
Not...   -   emergency
Not; Bedarf   -   need
die Not   -   adversity
Elend; Not   -   misery
nicht vor   -   not till
noch nicht   -   not yet
   |    next 15 »
The aim of a joke is not to degrade the human being but to remind him that he is already degraded. -- George Orwell
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