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72 results German - English substring search »
frei   -   frank
offen   -   frank
freimütig   -   frank
frei machen, offen, freimütig   -   frank
[ Personenname ]   -   Frank
Ich heiße Frank.   -   My name is Frank.
Seien Sie offen zu mir!   -   Be frank with me!
offen   -   frankly
franko   -   post paid
Frankreich   -   France
Frankreich, ???   -   France, Metropolitan (fx)
Freimut, Aufrichtigkeit, Offenheit   -   frankness
unehrlich   -   unfrank
frankiert   -   postpaid
Freimut {m}; Aufrichtigkeit {f}; Offenheit {f}   -   frankness
   |    next 15 »
The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows. -- Frank Zappa
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