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233 results German - English substring search »
als   -   than
Kommodore {m} (Luftwaffe)   -   Commodore, a position rather than a rank.
anders als   -   other than
Kommandeur {m} (Luftwaffe)   -   Commander, a position rather than a rank.
[ Personenname ]   -   Than
ebensoviel   -   no less than
ebensowenig   -   no more than
eher...als   -   rather...than
irgendeine Bank, mit Ausnahme von   -   any bank, other than
erst recht   -   more than ever
geradezu   -   nothing less than
übergenug   -   more than enough
mit Ausnahme von   -   other than
meistens   -   more often than not
kleiner als [math.]   -   less than
   |    next 15 »
The fancy is indeed no other than a mode of memory emancipated from the order of space and time. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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