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314 results German - English substring search »
Teil, Einzelteil   -   part
Basis   -   base, basis, lower part base, (medical)
Teil {m,n}; Rolle {f}   -   part
teils   -   part
Anteil {m}   -   part
Atrium, Vorhof   -   atrium, part of the heart (medical)
Teilbetrag   -   part
zum Teil, teilweise   -   in part
fünftel   -   fifth part
neuntel   -   ninth part
Teilzeit   -   part time
Teilzeit   -   part-time
zehntel   -   tenth part
Hauptteil   -   main part
Hyperämie   -   hyperemia, excess of blood in a part (medical)
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The longest part of the journey is said to be the passing of the gate. -- Marcus Terentius Varro
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