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12 results German - English substring search »
zweifelhaft   -   doubtful
Dubiose   -   doubtful accounts
fraglichere   -   more doubtful
fraglichste   -   most doubtful
fraglich; zweifelhaftes   -   doubtful
zweifelhafte Ehre   -   doubtful honour
dubiose Außenstände   -   doubtful debts
zweifelhafte Forderung   -   doubtful claim
Wertberichtigung auf zweifelhafte Forderungen   -   allowance for doubtful accounts
zweifellos   -   undoubtful
zweifelhafte   -   doubtfully
Zweifelhaftigkeit {f}   -   doubtfulness
The man who sets out to carry a cat by its tail learns something that will always be useful and which never will grow dim or doubtful. -- Mark Twain
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