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462 results German - English substring search »
betrügen   -   to con
Amin, Derivate des Ammoniaks   -   amine, organic compound containing nitrogen (medical)
Ikone {f}   -   icon
Kegel {m}   -   cone
Konus {m}   -   cone
gegen   -   contra
hohl   -   concave
Kegel {pl}   -   cones
Ober {m}   -   garcon
Speck {m}   -   bacon
Amnion   -   amnion, sack containing the fetus (medical)
Diakon, Diakons   -   deacon
Ding {n}; Geschichte {f}   -   concern
Falke {f}   -   falcon
Gerät   -   console
   |    next 15 »
The qotc (quote of the con) was Liz's: "My brain is paged out to my liver."
processing time: 1.002 [sec]

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