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243 results German - English substring search »
Sünde {f}   -   sin
sündigen   -   sin
da   -   since
sind   -   are
Lust, Gier, Sinnenlust   -   lust
Sino   -   Sino
sino   -   Sino
seit   -   since
Sinn {m}; Meinung {f}; Ansicht {f}   -   mind
weil   -   since
Harz {n}   -   resin
singen   -   sing
singt   -   sings
sinken, einsinken, versenken   -   sink
sinkt   -   drops
   |    next 15 »
The state of innocence contains the germs of all future sin. -- Alexandre Arnoux, "Etudes et caprices"
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