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144 results German - English substring search »
tot   -   dead
Tote {m,f}   -   dead
Flaute {f}   -   dead calm
Leiche {f}   -   dead body
Totzone, nach Echo, nach Sendeimpuls   -   dead zone
außer Betrieb   -   dead
todmüde   -   dead tired
Totzeit {f}   -   dead time
Leiche {f}   -   dead bodies
mausetot   -   stone-dead
todsicher   -   dead sure
Ballast   -   dead freight
tot; öde; Toter   -   dead
viele Tote   -   many dead
Verlustzeit   -   dead time
   |    next 15 »
There are only two kinds of men -- the dead and the deadly. -- Helen Rowland
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