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265 results German - English substring search »
Leben {n}   -   life
das Leben   -   life
Lebensdauer   -   life
Lebensdauer, Standzeit   -   life
die Laufzeit   -   life
Lebensdauer {f}; Standzeit {f}   -   life
lebensgro   -   life-size
Vorleben {n}   -   past life
Alltag   -   everyday life
die Haltbarkeit   -   life
Lebenszeit   -   life time
Sprungtuch {n}   -   life net
zu Lebzeiten   -   in life
Alltag {m}; Alltragstrott {m}   -   everyday life
Leben   -   life [pl lives]
   |    next 15 »
There are ten or twenty basic truths, and life is the process of discovering them over and over and over. -- David Nichols
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