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53 results German - English substring search »
scheinen   -   seem
Anschein {m}   -   seem
dünken   -   to seem
erscheint   -   seem
scheinen   -   to seem
seemännisch   -   seamanly
seemännisch   -   seamanlike
Seemöwe {f}   -   sea gull; seagull
- : Ich glaube, mich zu erinnern   -   ISTR : I seem to recall.
Verpackung für Übersee, seemäßige Verpackung   -   seaworthy packing
in einem seemännischen Umfeld arbeiten   -   work in a maritime setting
Er schien nicht ganz bei Sinnen zu sein.   -   He didn't seem to be quite all here.
Unverhofft kommt oft.   -   Things always seem to happen when you least expect them.
Es wird nicht so heiß gegessen wie gekocht.   -   Things are never as bad as they seem.
scheint   -   seems
   |    next 15 »
There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more. -- Woody Allen
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