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250 results German - English substring search »
Ja, sicher!   -   Yes, for sure!
als   -   for
für   -   for
denn   -   for
dafür   -   for it
wozu   -   what for
bitten   -   ask for
wofür   -   for what
baten   -   asked for
bittet   -   asks for
sicher   -   for sure
Wundsalbe, Salbe   -   salve, ointment for wounds (medical)
erhoffe   -   hope for
fleht   -   pleads for
gesund   -   healthful, good for you (medical)
   |    next 15 »
There is only one word for aid that is genuinely without strings, and that word is blackmail. -- Colm Brogan
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