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40 results German - English substring search »
würdig   -   worthy
bieder; würdig   -   worthy
[ Personenname ]   -   Worthy
kreditwürdig   -   worthy of credit
salomonisch   -   worthy of a Solomon
unwürdig   -   unworthy
aktuell   -   newsworthy
seetüchtig   -   seaworthy
nennenswert   -   noteworthy
schuldiges   -   blameworthy
lobenswert   -   praiseworthy
beachtenswert   -   noteworthy
bemerkenswert   -   noteworthy
seeuntüchtig   -   unseaworthy
unwürdigere   -   more unworthy
   |    next 15 »
To write good code is a worthy challenge, and a source of civilized delight. -- stolen and paraphrased from William Safire
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