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457 results German - English substring search »
ändern, Änderung, verändern, Veränderung   -   change
Wandel {m}; Wechsel {m}   -   change
Änderung {f}; Veränderung {f}; Abwechslung {f}   -   change
Kleingeld, Wechselgeld   -   change
Kleingeld {n}; Wechselgeld {n}; Wechsel {m}; Veränderung {f}   -   change
der Übergang   -   change
Rochade {f} (Fußball)   -   switch-over, change of position
die Abwechslung   -   change
Neuropathie   -   neuropathy, functional disturbance and/or pathological change in the peripheral nervous system (medical)
Schaltung {f} (Kfz)   -   gear change
sich wandeln   -   to change
die Abwechselung   -   change
Kleingeld {n}   -   small change
Lautwandel   -   sound change
der Ölwechsel   -   oil change
   |    next 15 »
Udall's Fourth Law: Any change or reform you make is going to have consequences you don't like.
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