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21 results German - English substring search »
eher, lieber   -   rather
Kommodore {m} (Luftwaffe)   -   Commodore, a position rather than a rank.
eher; vielmehr   -   rather
Kommandeur {m} (Luftwaffe)   -   Commander, a position rather than a rank.
sondern eher   -   but rather
[ Personenname ]   -   Rather
eher...als   -   rather...than
eher; lieber; ziemlich   -   rather
eigentlich; eher; ungefähr   -   rather
Ich möchte lieber ...   -   I would rather ...
Ich würde lieber warten.   -   I had rather wait.
Ich würde lieber warten.   -   I would rather wait.
Es geht vielmehr darum, ob ...   -   It's rather a question of whether ...
nur eine ziemlich verschwommene (vage) Vorstellung haben von   -   to be rather hazy about
[ Personenname ]   -   Prather
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We are not loved by our friends for what we are; rather, we are loved in spite of what we are. -- Victor Hugo
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