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13 results German - English substring search »
Blumen {pl}   -   flowers
[ Personenname ]   -   Flowers
Schnittblumen {pl}   -   cut flowers
Kelchblueten   -   clycinal flowers
Kelchblüten {pl}   -   clycinal flowers
Lasst Blumen sprechen.   -   Say it with flowers.
Blumenschmuck {m}   -   flower arrangements; floral decorations; flowers
Der April macht die Blumen und der Mai hat den Dank dafür.   -   April showers bring May flowers.
defloriert   -   deflowers
Maiblumen   -   mayflowers
Sonnenblumen {pl}   -   sunflowers
Mauerbluemchens   -   wallflowers
[ Personenname ]   -   Bellflowers
What good is it if you talk in flowers, and they think in pastry? -- Ashleigh Brilliant
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