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23 results German - English substring search »
Gemuese   -   VEGETABLE
Gemuese   -   vegetable
Gemüse {n}   -   vegetable
pflanzlich, Gemüse   -   vegetable
Pflanzen...   -   vegetable
Pflanzenöl {n}   -   vegetable oil
Pflanzenfett {n}   -   vegetable fat
Pflanzenkost   -   vegetable diet
Pflanzenfaser   -   vegetable fibre
Gemuesebau   -   vegetable gardening
Pflanzenfasern   -   vegetable fibres
Pflanzenreich {n}   -   vegetable kingdom
Pflanzenkost {f}   -   vegetable foodstuffs
Pflanzenfaser {f}   -   plant fibre; vegetable fibre
Gemüsebau {m}   -   vegetable gardening; cultivation of vegetables
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Worst Vegetable of the Year: The brussels sprout. This is also the worst vegetable of next year. -- Steve Rubenstein
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