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17 results German - English substring search »
fällt   -   drops
sinkt   -   drops
tropft   -   drops
Tropfen {pl}   -   drops
saure Drops   -   acid drops
Augentropfen {pl}   -   eye drops
Fettaugen {pl}   -   grease drops
Aszites, Bauchwassersucht   -   ascites, abdominal dropsy, hydroperitonea, peritoneal dropsy (medical)
Aszites, Bauchwassersucht   -   ascites, dropsy (medical)
Tränen {pl}   -   teardrops
Ohrgehänge   -   eardrops
Wassersucht {f}   -   dropsy
Ohrgehänge {n}   -   eardrops
Wassersüchte {pl}   -   dropsies
wassersüchtig   -   dropsical
   |    next 15 »
Writing is easy; all you do is sit staring at the blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead. -- Gene Fowler
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