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68 results German - English substring search »
du   -   you
dich   -   you
euch   -   you
du; dich   -   you
du bist   -   you're
Danke   -   thank you
du kannst   -   you'll
gesund   -   healthful, good for you (medical)
man   -   one; you; we
- : bis später   -   CU, CUL, cul8er : See you, see you later
Danke!   -   Thank you!
gefielt   -   liked you
Hallo, guten Tag!   -   How are you?
deinetwillen   -   for you
Ihr   -   your
   |    next 15 »
You can always tell the people that are forging the new frontier. They're the ones with arrows sticking out of their backs.
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