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116 results German - English substring search »
Fest   -   hard
hart   -   hard
hart, schwierig   -   hard
reiben, frottieren, putzen   -   to rub, to rub hard (medical)
Pech   -   hard lines
zäh   -   hard-bitten
stur   -   hard-bitten
hart; schwer   -   hard
Ausdruck {m}   -   hard copy
Muenzgeld   -   hard cash
Münzgeld {n}   -   hard cash
bare Münze, Hartgeld   -   hard cash
Franghi, Franji, Primäraffekt, Mutterpapel   -   hard chancre, primary lesion, primary eruption (from syphilis) (medical)
Hartplatte, Magnetplatte, Festplatte   -   hard-disk
abgebrüht   -   hard-bitten
   |    next 15 »
critic, n.: A person who boasts himself hard to please because nobody tries to please him. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
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