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77 results German - English substring search »
Entschluss, Entscheidung   -   decision
Entschluss {m}; Entscheidung {f}   -   decision
Entscheidung, Urteil, Beschluss   -   decision
Entscheidung {f}; Urteil {n}; Beschluss {m}   -   decision
der Entschluss   -   decision
Entscheiden, Fällen von Entscheidungen   -   decision making
Rechtsspruch {m}   -   legal decision
Endbescheid, endgültiger Bescheid   -   definite decision
Entscheidung {f}   -   decision-making
Gerichtsurteil {n}   -   court decision
Fehlentscheidung   -   wrong decision
Kaufentscheidung   -   buying decision
Vorbescheid   -   provisional decision
Entscheidungssymbol {n}   -   decision box
Entschluss fassen   -   take a decision
   |    next 15 »
no brainer: A decision which, viewed through the retrospectoscope, is "obvious" to those who failed to make it originally.
processing time: 0.182 [sec]

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