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18 results German - English substring search »
Box   -   box
Box {f} (Pferdebox)   -   box
Box {f} (Sport)   -   pit
Dose {f}; Gehäuse {n}   -   box
Kiste   -   box
Büchse {f}   -   box
Buechse   -   box
Schachtel, Kasten, Kiste   -   box
Schachtel {f}; Kasten {m}; Briefkasten {m}   -   box
Boxer {m}   -   pug
Boxer {pl}   -   pugs
Boxern   -   pugs
boxen   -   to box
Boxen {pl}   -   boxes
Kisten, Schachteln   -   boxes
   |    next 15 »
If people see that you mean them no harm, they'll never hurt you, nine times out of ten!
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