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60 results German - English substring search »
konstant   -   constant
beständig   -   constant
Konstante {f}   -   constant
regelmäßig   -   constant
konstant [math.]   -   constant
[ Personenname ]   -   Constant
andauernd; stetig   -   constant
beständigere   -   more constant
beständigste   -   most constant
Zeitkonstante {f}   -   time constant
Kraftkonstante {f}   -   force constant
konstante Kosten   -   constant costs
Adresskonstante {f}   -   address constant
beständige Preise   -   constant prices
Konstanthaltung {f}   -   automatic constant
   |    next 15 »
How many Unix hacks does it take to change a light bulb? Let's see, can you use a shell script for that or does it need a C program?
processing time: 0.152 [sec]

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