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13 results German - English substring search »
Gesamtheit {f}   -   entirety
Gesamtheit {f}   -   totality
Gesamtheit {f}   -   universe
Gesamtheit {f}   -   collectivity
in der Gesamtheit; auf freiem Fuß   -   at large
Gesamtheiten {pl}   -   totalities
Grundgesamtheit {f} (Statistik)   -   universe
Grundgesamtheit {f}   -   main unit
Grundgesamtheit {f}   -   population
Grundgesamtheit {f}   -   basic population
Grundgesamtheit {f}   -   parent population
Sachgesamtheit {f}   -   aggregate of things
Rechtsgesamtheit {f}   -   aggregate of rights
Never, ever lie to someone you love unless you're absolutely sure they'll never find out the truth.
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