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113 results German - English substring search »
Flur, Halle   -   hall
Flur {m}; Halle {f}   -   hall
Halle, Saal, Diele   -   hall
Halle {f}; Diele {f}; Flur {m}   -   hall
[ Personenname ]   -   Halle
Halle; Diele; Flur   -   hall
Echo, Widerhall, widerhallen   -   echo
Hallen {pl}   -   halls
Vorhalle {f}   -   porch
Lagerhalle, (US) Güterbahnhof   -   depot
Vorhalle {f}   -   atrium
Vorhallen {pl}   -   atria
erschallend   -   pealing
widerhallen   -   resound
widerhallen   -   to echo
   |    next 15 »
Take a lesson from the whale; the only time he gets speared is when he raises to spout.
processing time: 0.364 [sec]

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