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30 results German - English substring search »
Kino   -   movie
Kino   -   cinema
Kino   -   movies
Kino {n}; Lichtspielhaus {n}   -   cinema
Kino {n}   -   cinema [Br.]
Kino; Lichtspielhaus   -   cinema
Ich gehe ins Kino.   -   I go to the pictures.
ins Kino gehen   -   to go to the movies (pictures)
Kino {n}   -   movies [Am.]; motion-picture theater; movie theater
Film, Kinofilm, Schicht   -   film
Kinos {pl}   -   cinemas
Autokino {n}   -   drivein
Kinonarr {m}   -   filmfan
Kinogänger   -   filmgoer
Kinogänger {m}   -   filmgoer
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"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." -- Albert Einstein
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