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8 results German - English substring search »
Kratzer {m}; Schramme {f}   -   scratch
Schaber {m}; Kratzer {m}   -   scraper
Gekritzel, kratzen, Kratzer, Schramme   -   scratch
Gekritzel {n}; Kratzer {m}; Schramme {f}   -   scratch
[ Personenname ]   -   Kratzer
Kratzer; Schramme   -   scratch
Wolkenkratzer {m}   -   skyscraper
Wolkenkratzer {pl}   -   skyscrapers
We're here to give you a computer, not a religion. -- attributed to Bob Pariseau, at the introduction of the Amiga
processing time: 0.048 [sec]

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