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97 results German - English substring search »
Musik {f}   -   music
ernste Musik   -   serious music
liebliche Musik   -   sweet music
cross-over Musik   -   cross- over music
Der Ton macht die Musik.   -   It's not what you say, but how you say it.
Ich finde keinen Zugang zu moderner Musik.   -   I'm unable to appreciate modern music.
Band {f}; Schar {f}; Musikkapelle {f}; Kapelle {f}   -   band
Pause {f} (Musik)   -   rest
Tonart {f} (Musik)   -   key
Metrum {n}; Takt {m}; Rhythmus {m} (Musik)   -   measure
Dreiklang {m} (Musik)   -   triad
Dudelmusik, die   -   musac
Filmmusik {f}   -   score
Swingmusik {f}   -   jive
Wagen {m} mit einer Musikkapelle   -   bandwagon
   |    next 15 »
"I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs." -- H. L. Mencken
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