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73 results German - English substring search »
Putz {m} (Bau)   -   plaster
Putz {m}   -   trappings
[ Personenname ]   -   Putz
unter Putz   -   buried; concealed
auf den Putz hauen   -   to go to town
auf den Putz hauen; angeben   -   to show off
putzt   -   preens
reiben, frottieren, putzen   -   to rub, to rub hard (medical)
Aufputz, Putz   -   finery
putzen   -   furbish
putzte   -   preened
Aufputz {m}; Putz {m}   -   finery
Gipsputz   -   stucco
Politur {f}; Poliermittel {n}; Putzmittel {n}   -   polish
Putzlappen {m}   -   rag
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To err is human, to moo bovine.
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