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75 results German - English substring search »
Reste {pl}   -   splits
Reste {pl}   -   oddments
Reste {pl}   -   pickings
Reste {pl}   -   remnants
Reste {pl}   -   residues
Reste {pl}; Vererbungen {pl}   -   leavings
Reste {pl}   -   residuals
Reste {pl}   -   carryovers
Reste {pl}; Restbestände {pl}   -   remainders
bleibt; Reste   -   remains
geruht   -   rested
Arreste   -   arrests
entriss   -   wrested
erklomm   -   crested
bewaldet   -   forested
   |    next 15 »
Peers's Law: The solution to a problem changes the nature of the problem.
processing time: 0.255 [sec]

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