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293 results German - English substring search »
Straße {f}   -   road
Landstraße {f}; Autostraße {f}   -   road
Landstrasse, Autostrasse, Strasse   -   road
Fahrweg {m}   -   road way
Autokarte {f}   -   road map
Baustelle   -   road works
Weg {m}   -   way; lane; road
Baustelle {f}; Straßenbau {m}   -   road works
Fernstraße   -   trunk road
Schlagloch {n}   -   road hole
Nebenstrasse   -   side road
Streckenlast   -   line road
breite Straße   -   wide road
der Fahrtest   -   road trial
Seitenstraße {f}   -   side road
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Do you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?
processing time: 0.733 [sec]

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