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22 results German - English substring search »
Stand {m}; Stillstand {m}   -   stand
Stillstand   -   deadlock
Stagnation {f}; Stillstand {m}   -   stagnancy
Stillstand   -   standstill
Stillstand {m}; Einstellung {f}   -   cessation
Betriebsstörung, Stillstand   -   holdup
Stillstand {m}   -   stagnation
Stillstand {m}; Stockung {f}   -   standstill
zum Stillstand bringen; Strömungsabriss   -   stall
Apnö, Atemstillstand   -   apnea, cessation of breathing (medical)
Asystolie, Herzstillstand   -   asystole, heart attack, often the moment of death asystolie (medical)
Ausfallzeit, Stillstandszeit   -   downtime
Ausfallzeit {f}; Stillstandszeit {f}   -   downtime
Liegezeit, Ruhezeit, Stillstandszeit   -   idle period
Stillstandszeit   -   dead time
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Death rays don't kill people, people kill people!!
processing time: 0.058 [sec]

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