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20 results German - English substring search »
Substanz, Stoff   -   substance
Diffusion, Eindringen in eine Substanz   -   diffusion
Substanz {f}; Stoff {m}   -   substance
Diffusion {f}; Eindringen {n} in eine Substanz   -   diffusion
Bakterizid, bakterientötende Substanz   -   bactericide, anti-bacteria drug (medical)
Antikoagulans, gerinnungshemmende Substanz   -   anticoagulant, a substance that prevents blood clotting (medical)
unerwünschte Substanz {f}; überflüssiger Müll; überflüssiger Programmkode   -   cruft
verschmutzende Substanz {f}   -   contaminant
Es fehlt an Substanz.   -   It lacks substance.
die Substanz angreifen   -   to draw on one's resources
Das geht an die Substanz.   -   That really takes it out of you.
Stoffe {pl}; Substanzen {pl}   -   substances
Substrat, Grundsubstanz   -   substrate, substance on which an enzyme acts (medical)
Dotiersubstanz   -   dopand
Austreiben {n} (von flüchtigen Substanzen durch Erhitzen)   -   calcination
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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. -- Voltaire
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