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27 results German - English substring search »
Kabel, Seil, Telegramm   -   cable
Telegramm {n}   -   wire
Telegramm {n}   -   telegram
Draht; Telegramm   -   wire
per Telegramm   -   by telegram
Lautzeichen, Telephontelegramm   -   phonogram
Telegramme {pl}   -   telegrams
Lautzeichen {n}; Telefontelegramm {n}   -   phonogram
Bildtelegramm {n}   -   facsimile
Bildtelegramm {n}   -   wirephoto
Radiotelegramm {n}   -   radiogram
Bildtelegramm   -   teleautogram
Bildtelegramm   -   phototelegram
Telegrammstil {m}   -   telegraphese
Überseetelegramm {n}   -   cablegram
   |    next 15 »
I can't understand it. I can't even understand the people who can understand it. -- Queen Juliana of the Netherlands.
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