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18 results German - English substring search »
Aszites, Bauchwassersucht   -   ascites, abdominal dropsy, hydroperitonea, peritoneal dropsy (medical)
Bauch-   -   abdominal, gut-related (medical)
Bauchschmerzen   -   cramps, abdominal pain associated with diarrhea or menstrual cramps, colic (medical)
Bauchtuch, Bauchbinde, Leibbinde, Bauchverband   -   abdominal bandage, abdominal belt, binder (medical)
Bauchhöhle {f}   -   abdominal cavity
Leibeshöhle {f}   -   abdominal cavity
Bauchschwellung   -   swollen abdomen, abdominal distention, distended abdomen (medical)
Kaiserschnitt {m}   -   abdominal delivery
Unterleibs...; abdominal   -   abdominal
Bauchkrampf   -   abdominal cramp (medical)
Bauchschnitt {m}   -   abdominal section (med.)
Bauchtrauma   -   abdominal trauma (medical)
zum Bauch gehörend, abdominal   -   abdominal (medical)
Bauchschnitt {m}   -   abdominal incision (med.)
Bauchschnitt {m}   -   abdominal laparotomy (med.)
   |    next 15 »
arachnoleptic fit, n.: The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.
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