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11 results German - English substring search »
durchaus   -   absolutely
vollständig   -   absolutely
mündelsicher   -   absolutely safe
unbeschränkt haftbar   -   absolutely liable
Es ist zum Kotzen.   -   It's absolutely sickening.
unumgänglich {adj}   -   absolutely essential; imperative
absolut konvergent [math.]   -   absolutely convergent
zweifelsfrei {adj}   -   free of doubt; absolutely certain; doubtless
eine unbedingt maßgebende Regel   -   an absolutely definite ruling
unverzichtbar   -   (absolutely) essential
Ich bin felsenfest davon überzeugt.   -   I'm firmly (absolutely) convinced of it.
We seldom repent talking too little, but very often talking too much. -- Jean de la Bruyere
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