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392 results German - English substring search »
Konto   -   account
Konto, Abrechnung   -   account
Konto {n}; Rechnung {f}; Bericht {m}; Wert {m}   -   account
Bericht {m}; Konto {n}; Rechnung {f}; Ursache {f}   -   account
- : Rechnung   -   acc., acct. : account
berichten, Rechenschaft ablegen   -   account
Kto. : Konto   -   acct, a/c : account
Rechnung {f}   -   account
T-Konto   -   t-account
a Konto   -   on account
Berechnung, Konto, Forderung   -   account
- : Kontokurent   -   A/C, a/c : account current
bebuchen   -   to account
Berechnung {f}; Konto {n}; Forderung {f}   -   account
erklären   -   to account
   |    next 15 »
Only two of my personalities are schizophrenic, but one of them is paranoid and the other one is out to get him.
processing time: 1.004 [sec]

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